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The playAWARDS Game Console

Your home for managing all things Loyalty!


The playAWARDS Game Console (accessible through the "login" button above) is the tool that apps use to manage and measure everything as it relates to their playAWARDS Loyalty Integration. The playAWARDS Console makes the information actionable, the tools intuitive, and the overall program impactful.


From the playAWARDS Console, you can:

  • Access much needed integration materials, such as API keys, documentation, and download the latest SDK.

  • Use our configuration tools to customize your instance of your Loyalty Center, including branding, colors, icons, content blocks, and more.

  • See and manage your Loyalty Economy.*

  • Share current and upcoming liveops events, promotions, and news with the Customer Support and VIP Host teams.

  • See how your app is doing by digging into your loyalty program performance reporting.


This page will introduce you to each of these concepts. For more information, you may visit the User Manual by clicking here.



*For those apps on the Loyalty Engine only.

To access the playAWARDS Game Console, you'll need a login. If you don't already have one, please request a login from your CSM or Integration Manager, or through our ticketing service by clicking below! Be sure to state which app you are affiliated with, as you will need access to your app in the tool in order to be able to see and manage it.

Getting Started


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The playAWARDS Console is where you can access everything you need for your playAWARDS integration, including:

  • Download the latest SDK: Find iOS, Android, and Unity versions of our documentation here! You can also find historical versions of SDKs, as well as change logs, from this page.

  • Access your API Keys: In order to communicate with playAWARDS and/or playLINK, you'll need an App ID and Signing Key. Visit this page to retrieve your keys.

  • Read our Documentation: Of course, the most important part of our documentation is how to integrate. In our docs, you'll find step-by-step instructions for integrating the SDK, the Loyalty Engine, and more. Our documentation also includes an intro to playAWARDS, a step-through of how we onboard new apps, an overview of the products and services offered, and the playAWARDS Game Console User Manual.

Integration Materials

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The Console is also where you customize your instance of your Loyalty Center, including the store branding, colors, icons, content blocks, and more.

  • Skinning your Loyalty Center: From the playAWARDS Console, you can white-label the Center so it feels more at-home in your game. This includes being able to change the background image, the navigation bar and icons, the card icons, and more.

  • Homepage Banners: The top-most section of the Loyalty Center homepage is what all players entering the Loyalty Center see first. You can customize this carousel of banners to fit the message that best belongs in front of your players and welcomes them to the Loyalty Center. playAWARDS will also help you curate content here.

  • Custom Cards: Custom cards are similar, but provide the ability to place a card on the homepage saying just about anything you wish. These can come and go and move up and down the page, all configurable from the playAWARDS Console. They can deeplink to a location within the Loyalty Center or to an external webpage. They can be "reward-aware" and include a quick-buy call-to-action.

  • More to come! As we continue to advance the Loyalty Center, we'll provide these additional configuration options to the Console!

Additionally, there are other configurations of your Loyalty Center that are not managed from within your playAWARDS Console, but instead, are a part of the full service that our Professional Services team provides. This includes:

  • A/B testing: We can A/B test most of the configurations you set up. Please work with your CSM if there is an A/B test you would like to conduct!

  • Rewards Catalog: Of course, the rewards catalog itself is curated for your app. The rewards themselves, their metadata, partner sort order by geo, availability/segmentation, and more are all managed by our playAWARDS Professional Services group. If you wish to work more closely with this group, please reach out to your CSM.

  • Swimlane Order: The vertical sorting of the swimlanes on the homepage is configurable, and playAWARDS Professional Services team also manages this on your behalf as a part of our Rewards Merchandising Services. If you would like to participate in these decisions, please reach out to your CSM!

  • Custom Swimlanes: Additionally, playAWARDS can create custom swimlanes which feature virtually any reward/reward groups, or any partners, and title the swimlane whatever we wish. This too is part of our Professional Services and you can reach out to us to coordinate any ideas you may have.

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The playAWARDS Console is where you can come to see, and soon manage, your Loyalty Economy. This includes all aspects of Loyalty Point management, including earn rules, daily and lifetime cap rules, initial balance rules, merge rules, and min sync rules.

  • Earn Rules: Loyalty Points can be awarded to players based on any number of in-game actions, such as logging, playing a game, or finishing a liveops event. When each of these player behavior events is handed to the Loyalty Engine, the Engine tests them against your economy's configuration and "decides" how many points to grant. The decision can be based on the player's segment, awarding a different amount to a different player for the same behavior, including segmenting on VIP tier, authentication, and more. These segments are prioritized in case of conflict.

  • Daily & Lifetime Cap Rules: Each player has a daily and lifetime cap – a maximum number of Loyalty Points that can be awarded to them. This too is segmentable in the same fashion as Earn Rules. Great use cases for DAILY caps is managing abuse/fraud and awarding more LPs to higher-tiered players. For LIFETIME caps, we typically recommend a lower cap for anonymous players.

  • Initial Balance Rules: Every player starts with an initial balance of Loyalty. This is just the first step in building out the ideal Loyalty earn experience for your players. This can be segmented based on whether the player is authenticated.

  • Merge Rules: When an anonymous players authenticates and their authentication reveals that they already have an account and a balance with playAWARDS, their account and balances must be merged. For the purposes of fraud prevention, we allow for this up to a certain number of merges. This is part of your economy configuration.

  • Min Sync Rules: Finally, to limit the traffic between your app and playAWARDS, we require a minimum number of LPs for grant before processing the request. This number is captured in your economy config.

Coming Soon!

Soon, we'll be adding the following functionality to the playAWARDS Console regarding your Loyalty Economy.

  • Editing Capabilities: You can currently just view your economy, not edit it. Editing your economy is part of our Professional Services. Soon, we'll add the ability for only key users from your economy teams to be able to edit your Loyalty Economy.

  • Tier Economy: Currently, the Console displays your Loyalty Economy only. However, the Loyalty Engine also manages your Tier Economy. We'll be adding Tier Economy management to the Console soon.

  • Additional Currencies: As we add additional currencies to our Loyalty Economy toolset, we'll allow for them to be seen and managed here.


To learn more about the Loyalty Engine, click here.

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Events and Announcements are a great way for you to communicate with the teams that manage your players – the Customer Support and VIP Host teams.

  • Events: On the Events calendar, you can create events around activities that are going on inside your app that you want CSAs and hosts to know about. Anything added to this calendar is then visible in their internal Player Management Portal that they use every day to manage your players, so they're sure to see and reference it.

  • Announcements: If you have any more general announcements that are not necessarily tied to a date, you can leave them here. If you mark them as urgent, the announcement will interrupt the CSA's login and hit them with the announcement as a modal. Use cases could be to share exciting news about an upcoming feature or notify them of a known issue.


From the playAWARDS Console, you'll also find reporting. This tab helps you glean insights as to how your loyalty program is performing. Expect the Reports tab to include information such as:

  • Program Participation: What % of your DAU is engaging with rewards? How many of your players are viewing the rewards store and/or purchasing rewards?

  • Reward Interest: Which rewards are your players looking at? How well does each reward convert?

  • Loyalty Economy: How many LPs are being issued and consumed? What is your average LP balance?


For any additional reporting, or for questions regarding any of the reporting, reach out to your CSM and they will put you in contact with the playAWARDS BI team!

For more information about our Game Console, to get access to the console, or if you have suggestions, reach out to your playAWARDS client success manager!

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