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Welcome to the Loyalty playBOOK, your guide to a successful implementation of loyalty in your mobile game that inspires players and actually drives value.


In this playBOOK we'll cover everything from the basics, like Loyalty 101, all the way to advanced materials on how to drive Loyalty Lift. Along the way, you'll uncover the toolset needed for success and learn which KPIs you should be tracking. By the time you leave this online guide, you'll be a master in what it means to successfully execute a loyalty program in mobile games.


Let's get started!

Welcome to


While we recommend going module-by-module, we are providing a table of contents here so you get an idea of what topics we'll cover, so you can can jump to a specific topic if you need to, or so you can use this page as a reference.

Module 1_ Introduction_2x.png

Module 1: Introduction

Module2_ Loyalty101_2x.png

Module 2: Loyalty 101


Module 3: The Loyalty Toolset


Module 4: Driving Key Metrics


Module 5: Wrapping Up

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